
Monday, October 31, 2011


Lars as an Archer (from one of his books) and Anders as Darth Vader Sans Mask
Trick-or-treating has pretty much wrapped up for the night, and our little Halloween marauders have been tucked into bed despite the sugar high incurred by scarfing down as much candy as they could possibly manage before bed.  Lars dressed up as a character from one of his favorite books, and Anders sensibly chose to leave his Darth Vader mask at home so he could see where he was going.  For the first time this year, I left Bernie at home to hand out candy and I took the boys trick-or-treating myself.  It was fun to be out in the neighborhood with all of the kids and other parents instead of left behind with a too-tempting bowl full of candy.

As promised, I got a picture of our pumpkins once they were lit:

I also took pictures of my favorite carved pumpkins on other people's front steps -- more ideas for next year!

Skull & Cross Bones Pumpkin

Ghostly Pumpkin
Another Cute Ghost Pumpkin
This little monster pumpkin was my favorite!
Happy Halloween, everyone!

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