
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Magical Banana Muffin Bliss!

After several attempts, I have finally discovered the Holy Grail of banana muffin recipes.  Flavorful but not too sweet, these muffins made up quickly and easily.  The taste is similar to my favorite banana bread recipe, with a much lighter texture, and the recipe contains nonfat yogurt, old fashioned rolled oats and oat bran, and there's just a little butter in the crumb topping so it's pretty healthy, as far as muffins go.  Mine are square because my only muffin pan is square instead of round.

The recipe is from the folks at King Arthur Flour, and you can find it here.  I do recommend that you measure your mashed banana to make sure you have a cup and a half, though.  The recipe says 2-3 large bananas will equal that amount, but I needed four small bananas to get a cup and a half.

Happy baking!

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