
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Pineapple Progress Continues: Block 28 Completed

Look, it hasn't even been a month yet and I've finished another pineapple log cabin block!  I feel so accomplished!  That's 28 that I've made now and only 8 more to go.  I think I can, I think I can...

17 3/4" Pineapple Log Cabin Block 28

I went ahead and started Block 29, just the red center and the first two white strips, before leaving to take Anders to his violin lesson.  I've decided that inertia is my enemy; getting started is the hardest part.  Instead of turning off the sewing machine and unplugging the iron after trimming a finished block, I'll make a start on the next one before taking a break.  It's so much easier to walk into the room and spend 10 minutes adding a ring of strips to a block-in-progress than it is to start from scratch.  With only eight blocks to go, the end is in sight.  It would be so nice to finish this quilt and put it on my bed.  I started it back in June of 2014!  I'm sure the whole Internet is sick of hearing about this quilt already...

So right this minute, I am setting a goal:  June of 2017 is the deadline.  I do not want to spend more than three years working on this quilt.  Wsh me luck!


  1. you can do it!! it will get done - we have faith in your to get all of those blocks done and quilted in no time at all :)

  2. I love these blocks so much and know I would never have the perseverance to get so many sewn! Your are so close to the finish--I know you'll make it!


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