
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

One More Pineapple Block, and Quilted Longarm Scribbles

Good Morning!  I haven't worked on my California King sized Pineapple Log Cabin quilt in so long that I actually had to think about what I was doing while I paper pieced this block!  

Block 31 of 42, 17 3/4"
So now I have 31 blocks finished and only 11 more to go for my planned 6x7 layout.  I had lost a little enthusiasm for this enormous quilt when I thought that I'd either be wrestling to quilt it on my regular sewing machine or sending it out for someone else to quilt.  But now that I have my own longarm machine, and now that I've been practicing with it for a bit, I'm starting to get excited about the possibilities for quilting this project myself.  

Early Practice Quilting. Circles Are Lumpy, Still Learning How to Drive...
A Few Days Later, Getting Smoother On the Curves
It's been a busy week for me, with a client's drapery installation on Monday, a chipped tooth to fix at the dentist, and my kids' teachers frantically emailing me about major assignments that must be turned in no later than tomorrow.  Meanwhile, Hoodlum the One and Hoodlum the Other One seem to think they are already on vacation...  My new motto is "Whatever!"  I already finished 8th grade, and I already finished 10th grade.  I turned in most of my assignments back then and got zeros for the ones I didn't finish.  I can't keep rescuing them from the consequences of poor choices.  They have both made it clear that they want to learn these lessons the hard way.  Either they will get their act together next year, or they will grow up to be the highest IQ ditch diggers in recorded history.  At least they'll get some exercise, right?!

Back to more pleasant things.  My intent was to spend 30 minutes practice quilting on my longarm per day.  I haven't managed to fit that in every single day, but I've done enough that I was able to advance the practice quilt to the next section, and I already see improvement:

Spirals and Paisleys Getting Better, Still Need Work on Backtracking
I'm really pleased with my machine so far.  Beautiful stitches right off the bat, and I haven't had to touch the tension dial.  Considering how little time I've spent practicing and the improvement I'm already seeing, I feel really confident about putting a REAL quilt on the frame once I've quilted to the end of this sample quilt.  

Next I think I want to try some of the free motion designs that require marking, and then I'll want to practice with rulers.  And of course I want to try out one or two of those pantographs, too...

Well, I've got some work to get done today before I can head up to my studio to play with fabric, so I'd better get to it!  Happy Wednesday, everyone.

I'm linking up with:

·       Let’s Bee Social at
·       Midweek Makers at
·       WOW WIP on Wednesday at


  1. that last practice piece you show really shows your improvement - you are getting the hang of it I can see. You will have enough blocks one day for your pineapple quilt and you will love it. I love these jumbo blocks and tell myself one day i must make one. You are right on the kids issue - what else can you do, you can yell and scream and reason with and finally in the end they are the ones that need to do the homework and they well or they won't - you can't do it for them.

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    I think your practice quilting looks great! I'll have to investigate on your blog further to see what kind of long-arm you got, etc. How exciting for you! ~smile~

  3. Oh! I remember the great big beautiful pineapple blocks! Glad to see you are still working away on them. And congratulations on the long arm! Your practice pieces look fantastic!

  4. Your curves are becoming smooth!! Looking good! Keep going...

  5. Charity quilts are great for practice and the recipient will love them. They do not need to be perfect. Besides there is NO such thing as perfect.

  6. That is one beautiful pineapple block! With that size, you'll have a quilt in no time. Thanks for sharing this beauty on Midweek Makers

  7. what a beautiful mix of fabrics and colors. So very rich!

  8. Your curves are looking good, I can see the difference from your first stiches. It's amazing to me that something that is so easy on my sit-down (curves) is so difficult for me on the longarm. Love your pineapple blocks and I can't wait to see them all put together! Having raised two boys, I know what you mean about those teen years. Sometimes the best (and most difficult) thing to do is to let them learn life's lessons by stepping back. My oldest son, who is an adult now, is experiencing one of those lessons now and it's so hard for me to stand by and let him handle it on his own. I know it's for his own good, so I'm biting my tongue HARD every day! And saying lots and LOTS of prayers... :) Have fun playing on your machine!

  9. Well, your pineapple block is wonderful, as always. It seems you are going to be completely prepared to quilt your top--the practicing is really paying off and your quilting is looking great. I hope the Hoodlums don't give you too much grief this summer--lol!

  10. Wow. So much work in one pineapple block! congratulations on your persistence making so many

    when you are practising on real quilts, remember that babies and children don't care! Their quilts will be washed and washed anyway!



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