
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock... Deadline for Mission Impossible is 5 Days Away. Or 7 Days. Or 2 Weeks.

Center Row of Circles Finished Yesterday
Good morning and happy Tuesday!  This needs to be short and sweet so I can get back to this graduation quilt that's under my needle.  This quilt is for a blessing ceremony at church and the official deadline for turning in the graduates' Bibles and quilts to the church office is this Sunday, May 26th.  However, I found out that the pastors and staff won't be passing around the Bibles and praying over the quilts until their staff meeting on Tuesday morning, May 28th.  And I further discovered that, in years past, there has been more than one not-quite-finished quilt in the pile on the conference table, with pins still in them, that are picked up after the staff meeting so they can be completed in time for the Quillow Sunday service, which is June 9th.  

Everything Hanging Off the Front of the Frame is Neither Basted nor Quilted Yet
Now, if I was quilting this on a domestic machine or on one of the sit-down machines like the Bernina Q20 or the HandiQuilter Sweet Sixteen, it would be basted with safety pins and I could take it to church mid-quilting and bring it back home to pick up right where I left off with quilting it.  However, since I'm longarm quilting it, the unquilted portion is NOT basted and it's attached to the rollers of the quilting frame.  Had I attached my zipper leaders to my canvases, I could have zipped off the quilt and zip it back on again exactly as it was before, but with pinning, I'm not comfortable taking the quilt off the frame until it's completely quilted.  So that means I have until Tuesday, a week from today, to finish quilting Mission Impossible, and then after the church staff meeting I'll have another week and a half to label and bind the quilt.

Purple Background Quilted, but Haven't Touched the Geese Yet
It turns out that there's a REASON that professional longarm quilters charge so much more for custom quilting than they do for allover, edge to edge designs!  This is taking an INSANELY long time.  It took me over 8 hours to mark the quilting design on the quilt before I loaded it and after 18 hours of quilting I was only halfway done with the background quilting in the purple fabric.  

But it's totally worth it.  I made the right choice in marking the entirety of the quilting design ahead of time, due to the scale of the design that I can only see small sections of in my workspace with the quilt on the frame.  I am getting lots of practice quilting along straight and curved ruler edges.  I'm also getting lots of practice traveling over previously stitched lines -- and a little bit of practice ripping out wobbly stitches that I couldn't live with.  

Interestingly, the smaller size L bobbin on my APQS Millennium isn't annoying me as much with the slower pace of custom quilting as it did when I was quilting allover designs.  Instead of running out of bobbin thread every 30 minutes, I'm quilting for hours before I need a new bobbin.  I am using Glide 40 weight trilobal polyester thread in Violet for my top thread and prewound Magna Glide bobbins in the same color with this project.  

One more thing I wanted to show you was my custom printed Spoonflower backing fabric, designed by Wren Leyland:

Check Out the Needle Holes in My Spoonflower Backing Fabric
The jury is still out on this one.  I love, love, LOVE Wren's bold graphic rendering of Psalm 28:7.  I wasn't able to find anything as modern, impactful, and masculine in commercially printed fabrics.  However, the inks that Spoonflower uses are different from commercial prints.  It makes the Kona Solid 100% base fabric feel more like a glazed chintz, and as you can see in the close up above, this does not make for lovely needle holes on the backing side.  The edges of the needle hole are raised slightly, like what I would expect if I was sewing through something plasticky.  I'm hoping that the holes will close up and lay smooth when the finished quilt is washed, or at least be less visible.  I'll let you know.  

But now my coffee is done, an hour of quilting time has been gobbled up by this blog post, and that quilt ain't quilting itself up there!

My Tuesday To-Do is to finish ALL of the quilting on this project prior to the church staff meeting next Tuesday morning, and that includes those geese!  Wish me luck!

I'm linking up with:


·      Colour and Inspiration Tuesday at
·       To-Do Tuesday at Stitch ALL the Things:


·      Midweek Makers at
·      WOW WIP on Wednesday at


·      Needle and Thread Thursday at  


  1. good luck - the quilt is looking good!

  2. You can do this. It's only 3 hours each day.

  3. Hi Rebecca! You don't have time to read comments . . . so this is short and sweet, too. Go on - get 'er done. We're here - cheering you on. When it's finished I'll gush over how pretty it is. Go on! Shoo! ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I am already in love with it. As long you do not change your mind about something and try to do it over, you should be able to meet the deadline. I am so jealous of Lars.

  5. YOU'VE GOT THIS!! The quilting is looking amazing. I'm so glad you'll have time to bring it quilted for the blessing, but have extra time to bind it before the official ceremony. I'm cheering you on from over here in Arizona!! Now, what are you doing reading this?! Get to work! ;)

  6. Fingers toes and eyes crossed it gets done!!!

  7. You can do it, Rebecca Grace! I'm here cheering you on toward the big finish!

  8. Well done, the quilt is looking fabulous! You are a very skilled and adventurous quilter! I always enjoy reading your blog. Keep going, you're nearly there! xx

  9. You will do this! Ignore all other distractions and plow on. Once blessed enlist mom to help bind. This quilt is large enough for two people to do the turned binding at the same time. Just start on opposite sides.

    I don’t expect to hear from you until after this is quilted. It’s nose to the grindstone time.

  10. Go girl! This is looking fabulous. What a masterpiece! I hope you make your deadline. Either one of them, lol.

  11. It's looking good - you'll make one of those deadlines! And thank you for the shout out to longarm quilters. Custom work does take a huge amount of time.

  12. Thanks for sharing an hour of your prsiouse time with us I found it very interesting, and your quilt is soem thing else??? SO Sew beautiful Cheers Glenda PS Hope you make the deadline Rebecca?

  13. Good luck on your meeting your deadline. I was thinking that machine washing might help with the needle holes, and then you stated the same thing. It will be interesting to see how it turns out. It's a beautiful quilt!

  14. Amazing quilt, I hope you did get this done in time. I am sure the holes in the backing will improve with washing.


Talk to me, Baby! I LOVE hearing from my readers! I read and appreciate every comment I receive. If you ask a specific question I'll do my best to respond to you, but I am not able to respond to every single comment I receive due to multiple demands on my time and only so many hours in the day. I appreciate you and your feedback. Thanks for visiting!