
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Farmer's Wife 1930s Block 7, Augusta: The Diaper Block

I finished another 6" sampler block yesterday!  Behold Block 7 "Augusta" from The Farmer's Wife 1930s Quilt Sampler:

Farmer's Wife 1930s Block 7, Augusta
This block went together more smoothly than the last one I did.  This time, before joining sections together that needed seams matched, I stuck a pin straight through at the intersection with the papers still attached on both sides, then slid the two units apart along the pin, put a glue stick gob between the two seam allowances, and then slid them back together so they were right up against the pin head.  Then I removed the foundation papers and pinned the units on either side of the seam intersection, with that "stab pin" still holding the matched intersection in place while the glue dried, and put pins on either side of the matched intersection LAST -- right before I put the whole thing under the presser foot to stitch the units together.  It's more accurate than the other things I tried on the last block, and there was zero seam ripping -- much more fun!

When I chose the fabrics for this block I wasn't sure about how they would play together in the block.  Now that it's finished, I do like it -- the only thing I might change is that there is a LOT of that busy blob print.  It would look better if the four triangles surrounding the center square were in a solid color like orange, pale green, etc.  However, that fabric came from an oddly shape scrap that was left over from my son's diaper covers circa 2003-2004 -- my son who is nearly 16 now and towering over me.  I used to pair that diaper cover with different solid colored Hanna Andersson T-shirts (no boring navy/brown/gray wardrobe for my baby boy), so when I look at this block I see a pudgy blond toddler with big, blue eyes...

Back in the Diaper Days: Anders at 11 mos.  Soon to be a Licensed NC Driver!
Can you believe this kid is eligible to get a driver's license next month?!  Yikes!

Me, Lars (18), Bernie, and Anders (15)
My husband is going to take issue with my posting a picture of his hair doing that weird rhinoceros horn thing, but it was windy the day of Lars's high school graduation, we were in a rush (what else is new?), and this was the best family picture we got.  Anyway, with 15 years of gentle care and feeding, 10,000 bed time stories and plenty of love, a pudgy blue-eyed baby in a ladybug bib and psychedelic diaper covers grows into a 5'10" young man.  In the blink of an eye.

Alright, you guys -- the day is wasting away in a puddle of nostalgia.  I've got to get ready for a dentist appointment this afternoon, then select my fabric and supplies for the Karen Kay Buckley workshops I'm taking tomorrow and Friday and pack all of that up, and we have our guild meeting (followed by Karen's lecture) this evening.  

I threw my newly completed FW1930s Block 7 up on the design wall with my other Motley Fools (6" blocks from various sources plus a 12" applique workshop orphan block) and rearranged a bit.  When I first started making the Farmer's Wife blocks I was going for a more muted and traditional color palette, but then I decided to just pull out whatever I felt like playing with for each block and see what happens.  When I decided to mix in the 12' applique workshop block I knew I'd need some darker 6" blocks to tie it in, hence the darker colors in the two blocks I've just finished.  I'm not sure what size blocks we'll be making in Karen's workshops this week, but I'm thinking of adding them to the other Motley Fools.  

Motley Fools On My Design Wall
It's also totally possible that these blocks won't all end up in the same quilt together.  I might separate out the calmer pastels for one quilt and put the Bold, Bright and Bodacious blocks together for something different.  

I'm linking up with:


·      Midweek Makers at
·      WOW WIP on Wednesday at


·      Needle and Thread Thursday at  


·      Whoop Whoop Fridays at
·      Finished Or Not Friday at
·      TGIFF Thank Goodness It’s Finished Friday:  


  1. I'm so glad I found you at Not Afraid of Color! I'm readng the Farmer's Wife Depression Era and will probably start that quilt next year. You block is beautiful - lots of movement! Are you enjoying the process? Do you plan to make all the blocks? How exciting to find someone doing this! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Ooops! Sorry! I found you at Needle and Thread Thursday! :)

  3. LOL, I really wasn't sure where you were going with the diaper thing. Love it, and it is perfect as is! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

  4. love that block - two post to read this morning from you wow! hey great family photo showing what weather can really do to your hair - we were like that last year at grandson's graduation - could barely get one shot out of 50 where we were all looking in the same direction and not looking way too dorky

  5. How ironic that what stands out in block 7 is the medium purple and not he wild blob fabric. It fits right in with the others on the design. I read through the Farmer's wife book, but quickly decided it wasn't a quilt meant for me. Good luck as you continue the journey.

  6. Oh, block #7 is gorgeous! What a handsome family!


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