
Saturday, May 1, 2021

It's All Fun and Games in the Studio Until Rebecca Unleashes the Flying Monkeys...

Hello, There!  It's Me, Rebecca Grace!

This blog post is a quick public service announcement for the extra-special readers who have subscribed to receive my posts automatically via email.  First of all, THANK YOU!  Full disclosure: When I put that little Follow by Email widget into the sidebar of my blog so many years ago, I thought the only person who'd ever sign up would be my mom.  I never dreamed that there were thousands of quilters out there who would care enough about what I had to say or was making to invite me into their personal in-boxes.  Your comments, questions, suggestions and encouragement mean so much to me.  ðŸ’•

Feedburner is Going Away

My email subscription service has been provided by Feedburner all these years, automatically emailing each new blog post to those who had signed up to receive them, without me having to do anything at all.  But a couple of weeks ago, when I signed into my Google account, I saw this lovely notice informing me that the Feedburner email subscription service is going to be abruptly cut off and no longer supported as of July 2021.

...So Meet My New Flying Monkey

Ugh!  In order not to lose those of you who follow by email subscription, I spent some time researching alternative service providers and have decided to give MailChimp a try.  

IF I figured how to set everything up correctly, this post will have been emailed to you today by MailChimp instead of by Feedburner, but I'm hoping that the transition will be so seamless that you don't notice any difference at all.  I deactivated my Feedburner RSS email service as well, so *hopefully* no one will get duplicate emails from me for the next two months until Feedburner finally expires.

If you're reading this in your email right now, I'd love your feedback about the new service.  Did it land in your junk filter?  Is the text legible, and are the photos okay?  You can leave me a comment on the blog about it or just hit Reply to the email to let me know if you are seeing any issues with the new service provider.  

I think MailChimp will be a good solution for us, but I gotta say -- their little logo chimp reminds me SO MUCH of the scary Flying Monkeys from the Wizard of Oz.  I used to see those monkeys in my nightmares, along with the Sleestacks from Land of the Lost!  Perhaps the flying monkeys were retrained and reintegrated into Oz society as email couriers after the melting incident at the end of the movie?

Anway, lemme know if my new pet monkeys give you any trouble and I'll do my best to get it straightened out. ASAP.  Thanks so much for your patience and for following along with my creative journey over the years.

Of course, if you're reading this blog post online and you're NOT yet signed up to receive new content by email, you are absolutely invited to join in the flying monkey fun!  There's an email signup box at the top of the right hand sidebar, and I may have even managed to add a nifty popup box for signing up as well.

And Now, Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

Now that I've got THAT little emergency under control, I am so excited to load this gorgeous Hunter Star quilt on my long arm frame tomorrow.  Quilting is so much more fun than scrutinizing HTML code, y'all!  Reader Jo O'Neill is making this quilt for her sister, and it's even more stunning in person.  Her piecing is immaculate.  

Next On My Frame: Jo's Hunter Star Quilt for her Sister

PSST!!  I'd Love to Quilt for YOU!

By the way, if you or any of your quilty friends has a quilt top or two that needs quilting, I'd be delighted to quilt for you!  My turnaround for edge-to-edge quilting is currently running about 2 weeks, and you can click here to find out how to book your quilt with me.


  1. Good morning! Your mail chimp article was the only one this morning. Your transfer worked for me. So glad you worked it out as I enjoy reading your articles and seeing all the beautiful quilts and quilting.

  2. Great job, Rebecca! It came to my email box, as usual.

  3. My fingers are crossed that I was able to migrate my e-mail subscription. It is all a crapshoot if the e-mail subscription we've chosen for our followers actually works like we want it to when we get to that point isn't it?

  4. It all looks good here in Colorado. A group I belong to uses mail chimp, too, and successfully. The pop up worked, too, but I am not a fan of those.


  5. Hi Rebecca. I received your blog post by email. It appeared the same as always, so great Job with the transition!!

  6. The Mailchimp post came through fine, no duplicate received. I know bloggers have been trying a number of different things to cope and some are ignoring the whole thing. It will all work out in the end and we will adapt. We should be getting good at adapting by now what with all the tech changes and pandemic living.

  7. How'd you do that, Rebecca?!?! It seems to have worked like a charm. I only got the MailChimp notice. Did it involve downloading your entire subscriber list? Enquiring minds want to know (especially if there's a low tech solution for those of us who aren't especially tech savvy!)

  8. I've spent little time in blogland the past couple weeks and when I saw that feedburner was going away I glazed over!! I am not a computer geek, whiz or tech...Guess I better figure it out though! Thanks for sharing your workaround!

  9. The email came thru looking great, so the transition seemed to have worked. Thanks for the effort!

  10. Rebecca, your blog entry came through just fine---in my regular email (not in junk) and no duplicates. Good luck with your new provider. By the way, that's a beautiful Hunter's Star quilt top.

  11. Elizabeth RodgersMay 2, 2021 at 10:52 AM

    Your blog came thru just great. Thank you.

  12. I have never subscribed by mail to any blogs I use what is called Feedly Reader instead - you just add all the blogs that you want to follow to it, open it up once or twice a day and all the blogs that have been updated are right there in a list - you click on each in turn and it takes you to the persons blog and you read the post. It is set up in my blog though that a person can sign up to read that by email.

  13. Thank you so much, Rebecca for telling about Mail Chimp . I am not very tech savvy so I really need to get on the stick about my blog. I love the Hunter Star quilt. I have always wanted to make one. Maybe someday. Have a fabulous week.

  14. Love your work and all your ideas! Plus I should add the instructional info you provide. No problem here receiving.


Talk to me, Baby! I LOVE hearing from my readers! I read and appreciate every comment I receive. If you ask a specific question I'll do my best to respond to you, but I am not able to respond to every single comment I receive due to multiple demands on my time and only so many hours in the day. I appreciate you and your feedback. Thanks for visiting!