
Friday, May 14, 2021

Spring Forth: One More Cuddle Quilt Ready for Outreach Drop-off This Weekend

Happy FRIDAY!!!  The Charlotte Quilters' Guild Outreach committee is doing a drop-off this weekend for charity quilts, and I managed to squeeze one more in for quilting so that I'll have three to turn in this month.  I took advantage of the opportunity to try out a new quilting design called Spring Forth.  It shows up really nicely on the pieced backing side of the quilt: 

Spring Forth E2E in Tabriz Orchid Glide Thread, Backing Side

I knew the quilting design wouldn't show well on the front of this heavily pieced quilt, and I didn't really want the quilting to stand out on the front of this one, so I tried to pick a design and thread color that would blend in and let the piecing shine.  Not every quilt is all about the quilting!

Spring Forth E2E, Front of Same Quilt

See what I mean?  Of course you can see the flowers in the quilting design from up close, which is nice because of the way the flower shape in the quilting design mimics the flower in that lavender-gray floral fabric.

Spring Forth E2E in Tabriz Orchid Glide Thread

I did have a bit more trouble with my son's graduation quilt (yes, this is in addition to discovering that the quilt top is smaller than planned), but you'll have to wait to hear about that because I'm still fixing what needs fixing and the clock is still ticking, if you catch my drift!  Spoiler alert: I've been spending LOTS of quality time with my seam ripper.  ðŸ˜©

Since I have so little to say for myself today, I'll leave you with a gratuitous photo of Samwise the Brave, the Handsomest Spoiled-Rottenweiler in the Universe:

Why, Yes -- I DO Know How Cute I Am!!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

I'm linking up with the following linky parties:


Whoop Whoop Fridays at Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Peacock Party at Wendy’s Quilts and More

Finished or Not Friday at Alycia Quilts

Off the Wall Friday at Nina Marie Sayre

 TGIFF Thank Goodness It’s Finished Friday, rotates, schedule found here: TGIF Friday


UFO Busting at Tish in Wonderland


Frédérique at Quilting Patchwork Appliqué

Oh Scrap! at Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework

Slow Stitching Sunday at Kathy's Quilts


  1. sorry you are having problems with the sons quilt - hope you can get it all taken care of quickly!

  2. Sorry that you and the seam ripper are spending quality time together. I hope your relationship with the seam ripper ends soon. Your quilting pattern is beautiful!

  3. Really beautiful quilt and quilting. Sweet. Sorry to hear you are in need of spending time with a seam ripper. But it does raise to my mind, pondering if you've had an opportunity to check out a new seam ripper by Cindy Needham/Famore. I really like it and QIAD had an amazing sale on this seam ripper this week. But I'll confess my favorite part of your post is the photo of sweet Samwise the Brave. I do love quilting, but gosh darn Samwise just makes me smile.

  4. I adore that quilting design and the quilts. Sorry about the issues with Ander's quilt. It always happens when we have time constraints!

  5. Ripper time is not fun, but it will worthwhile, your son deserves this extra effort, Rebecca.
    Beautiful quilt and another gorgeous quilting.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Hmmm, when the seam ripper goes out it's not fun, but at least it's effective, and your quilt is going to be fixed right in time ;) Lovely floral quilting design, well done on this pretty quilt.
    Thank you for linking up today ;)

  7. My Motto: Dump the seam ripper - Play with the Dog. (Dog should always be capitalized!)
    I find a walk with The Dog helps - with anything! Samwise, do your therapy thing. Your quilts are so beautiful, no reason to rush. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Sometime, rarely, seam ripping can be therapy and re-centering. Hopefully this is one of those times. Breathe deeply. Deadlines make it harder to deal with errors.

    Pet Samwise, deliver your quilts with gladness and take a moment for what makes your grateful. You will find a way that will make all come out well.....or we’ll enough.

  9. heyyyy he looks kind of like someone I used to date.

  10. What a pretty donation quilt, Rebecca! What's this about a seam ripper? Sorry to hear that Anders' quilt is giving you MORE trouble!

  11. What a lovely quilt design in your donation quilt. Looks like it's a keeper. Sorry about the issue with Anders quilt. I assume it's resolved by now. I was away for the weekend and just catching up.


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