I noticed a big improvement from the first yellow petal to the last, and I think that repeating the same applique shape over and over this way is going to be better in the long run for acquiring and improving skills than if I were to complete one block at a time in its entirety. The yellow petals gave me a lot of practice with slight outer curves and outside points, and now with the coral petals (the fabric is not so hyper bright in real life!) I'll have the slight outer curve and outside points again, along with a tighter outer curve and inside points to work on. Also, once I get the rhythm of it down, I don't have to think about what I'm doing very much; it just becomes about developing and reinforcing the muscle memory -- very relaxing.
I did stitch the first block in its entirety, though, to make sure I liked the fabric and shape combinations I put together. The reason I call this the FrankenWhiggish Rose is that I hobbled several different applique patterns together Frankenstein style in order to create an applique project that incorporated all of the basic shapes and challenges I would need to learn before I could tackle more advanced needle turn applique projects: Inside and outside curves, inside and outside points/corners, skinny bias stems, circles, reverse applique, stuffed berries, and broderie perse for the ring of little rosebuds around the center of the block:
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Completed Test Block for FrankenWhiggish Rose |
My Current Plan for FrankenWhiggish Rose, Subject to Change |
After completing the test block, I imported a photo of the finished block so I could use it to design the quilt in EQ7 software. Unfortunately, after cutting out all of the dark brown petals, I see that I do not have enough of that fabric left to do 36 reverse appliqued tulips, plus the skinny sashing lattice and the border blocks. Yikes! Fortunately I have the manufacturer and pattern information from the selvedge, but I wasn't able to locate it online. Hopefully the LQS where I purchased the fabric a few months ago will have more left on the bolt. I do NOT want to change this design!
Amish Baby 54-40 Or Fight |
Minky Cuddle Zebra Print |
Minky Cuddle Dalmatian Print |
Minky Cuddle Zebra Print |
I've decided that this is a "infant brain stimulating quilt," so I'll be using a high contrast black and white plush fabric for the backing. I'm leaning towards the cute little zebras, as long as the black batting doesn't threaten to show through the white Minky background. If show through is going to be an issue, I'll go with the Dalmatian or zebra fabric instead. Although another consideration with the white plush backing fabric is how dirty and grungy it will get over time. The baby's mom isn't going to be able to wash a predominantly black quilt with even a color safe bleach product, and I have used pale pink Minky backing for a baby quilt in the past and was dismayed by how it took on a decidedly icky gray cast over time (that would be the Zombie quilt for Princess Petunia). Hmmm...
Well, I have a sick kid home with me today, spewing flu virus all over the house. I think I will wrap him up in blankets in the studio and we can watch some classic cartoons while I work on quilt borders. Hopefully I can take care of Lars and help him feel better without catching the flu myself, because I don't have time to be sick this week! I'm linking up with Slow Stitching Sunday at Kathy's Quilts and Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times. I'm also linking up with Esther's WIPs on Wednesday.
Happy Monday and Happy Stitching!
That is a gorgeous block! Good idea to do the same piece over and over until you perfect your technique. I still haven't learned turned needle but love the look.
What did you use to mark your lines? They look so perfect also.
Hope your little one gets well soon and you don't get it. Hope you have plenty of hand sanitizer and lysol spray. ;)
You could also use a variety of browns and make it look like you planned it that way!
Enjoy your stitching... hope you don't get sick :)
The Amish Baby quilt is gorgeous!! I love those colors!!!
Your block is gorgeous. I Love the quilt design too.
I hope you don't get sick either. No fun!
what a great show you put on today, applique, modern baby quilt and those lucious strings. So much inspiration today, love it!
Very beautiful block !!!!
That block is really gorgeous! I LOVE that baby quilt and if you put that repeating zebra print it will be so stinkin cute!
I love your appliqué! Doesn't look like you need too much practice! What is that little frog thing? Hope you find your fabric, as it all looks lovely together!
The Whig Rose block is well done. Very pretty.
Thanks, Kathy. Tamaflu to the rescue! Lars is back at school and no one else in the family came down with flu, thank the Lord! I do think I need the same brown, though, because if I was going to use a variety of brown fabrics then each block should have a different brown, or each block should have several different browns. The first block is totally finished and it uses that same brown for the center, the largest flower petals, and the reverse applique tulips. If I can’t use that block at all due to fabric shortage, I don’t even feel like going on with the project!
Thanks for stopping by.
Deb, the little frog is a needle keeper magnet for "parking" my needle when I set my project aside. It has a magnet under the fabric to hold it in place. Usually I just stick my needle in the fabric, but one of my kids has a major thing for frogs so when I saw this little guy, we had to have him. :-)
MartiDIY, I marked my lines with chalk pencil, tracing around mylar templates that I made of each applique shape. My "little one" is fourteen and almost bigger than me now (!!!) but thankfully he's much better now and back in school, and the rest of the family escaped the flu unscathed this time around. Thanks for asking!
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