Now that the evil Windows 10 gremlins are no longer conspiring against me, I'm back to my 6" sampler blocks again. Both of these new blocks are from the Farmer's Wife 1930s book. First we have Block #86, "Priscilla:"
FW1930s Block 86, Priscilla |
Priscilla is one of this week's blocks in the FW1930s quilt along. It seemed like a very simple block to whip up at first, but it does have those two angled seams. I foundation paper pieced this block, as I've been doing for most of the other sampler blocks. I'm glad I've been working on blocks with Y-seams lately, or inset seams, or whatever you want to call them, because assembling the segments of this block was a lot like a Y-seam.
Precut Priscilla Fabrics, Ready to Sew |
The next block was easier technically in that it was all squares, HSTs and rectangles to precut, and all straight seams, but it was still very time consuming because there were SO MANY PIECES, and there were a LOT of little foundation segments that had to be trimmed and then traditionally pieced together once the foundations had been covered.
FW1930s Block 6, April |
I love how easy it is to get everything to match up nicely with sharp points when I'm foundation paper piecing. But see what I mean about all the different pieces in this block? Uff da!
Precut April Pieces, Ready to Sew |
That is a LOT of little pieces for one 6" block! I've got a big bag of leftover colored pencils from the kids' school supplies, and I've been using them to make a little blue, yellow or red scribble on each patch of my foundation papers, to make sure I use the correct fabric in each location. I only had to use my seam ripper ONCE on this block.
I've got my fabrics all picked out for the next block as well. Might start it tonight, or might wait until tomorrow if I decide to go for a walk. I hear the neighborhood is rife with Pokémon...
Completed 6" Sampler Blocks |
I'm linking up with Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation. Happy Stitching!
I love Pricilla, excellent fabric choices, they really compliment the block. I have never been drawn to Farmers Wife, although I can understand the attraction. I like watching the progress of others though.
Omigoodness the Pokémon craze is everywhere here too (Perth, Western Australia) ... your blocks are looking lovely!
This sampler is looking pretty wonderful! You must have the patience of a saint to deal with those teeny pieces!
Dear Cheeky.....
You are an excellent seamstress. I especially love the first block with its grays, oranges, and reds! WOW! so nice as is the intricate second block. It is so good to see all the blocks together and get a glimpse of your creative direction.
Seamstress is an odd word. It evokes, starving girls in freezing garrets or Charles Dickons. I refuse to use sewist but there must be some more modern word to describe us. Sewress? Sewista (my favorite)? Seweer? Sewina?
Any more any one?
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