It's 1 AM, we're leaving first thing tomorrow morning TODAY morning for a wedding and I'm not packed yet, but I snuck downstairs to the computer for a quick post because I finished another block for my youngest son Anders' Beware the Ishmaelites quilt (a modified version of the Moda Modern Building Blocks sampler)! I printed foundation paper piecing patterns and templates for the next three blocks and cut out all of my fabrics yesterday, and once I started piecing this block I just got into the zone and couldn't bear to stop until I was finished. My poor husband just shook his head at me and wandered off to bed around 11 PM. He has given up trying to talk sense into me when I'm in a Sewing Hypnosis Trance.
MMBB Block One, Resized to 30 x 30, in Kona Solids |
This is Block One in the Moda Modern Building Blocks sampler, except that mine is resized to be finish at 30" square rather than 36" square, resulting in some odd math. I'm very pleased with how it came out. Piecing is SO much more fun than packing, am I right? My fabrics for this quilt are all Kona solids. This block has Lipstick and Snow (a warm off-white) in the center, surrounded by Blueberry, then Clover, and the darker blue is Ocean. I paper pieced the center of the block and the rest of these weirdly-sized triangles were cut with giant templates and then traditionally pieced. So now I have two blocks finished for this quilt that I only started two and a half years ago!
Here is the new block on the design wall alongside the first block (which was Block Two on the MMBB pattern) that I made a LONG time ago:
MMBB Blocks One and Two, both 30 x 30, Plus Other Random WIPs On the Wall |
Yippee, skippy! And NOW I can go to sleep for a few hours, still not packed for our trip, because now that the quilting high has worn off, my sleepiness has hit me like a ton of bricks. When my alarm goes off I'll have to jump in the shower, chug my morning latte, and randomly throw things into my suitcase in panic mode. Because that's how I operate.
Have a great weekend, everyone! Happy stitching!
I'm linking today's post up with:
Wow.. both these blocks look amazing! It sounds like a hassle to convert the patterns to weird sizes and for paper piecing but you sure can't argue with the results!
Happy travels!
have fun with the wedding and hope you do not forget anything in your mad dash to pack!
You sound like the rest of us quilters, when it comes to packing for a trip!!! What's the project on the left? Both look great. Enjoy the wedding!
That is a great block - the colors work so well together! Thanks for linking to FInished or Not Finished!!
Your block looks great and now you can head off to the wedding with an extra spring in your step :)
Oh! Those blocks are bigger than I'd envisioned! They look terrific. Hope your trip is going well. I pack that way quite often, too - you rarely forget the big things, and any of the little things (deoderant, razor, etc.) are easily picked up along the way or at the destination, and it's not even a waste since you always need more down the line, anyway. . . That's my story, anyway, and I'm sure I'll keep on packing that way 90% of the time. heh :)
I enjoy your post titles!
Those blocks are so striking at that size - they're quilts all by themselves.
Quilting IS more fun than packing, heck it's more fun than just about most things! At least you've started your MMBS which is far, far ahead of those of us (ahem!) for whom that one is still on the "One Day" list! Looking very good so far, so have a safe trip, enjoy the wedding and come back home ASAP to your happy place -- the quilt studio!! But what, there was no room in the suitcase for the Featherweight and a few pre-cut blocks?!? I'm just sayin'......
Is it easier or harder to make huge blocks? I would assume easier in some respects, like seam accuracy, but then harder to get a good cut with the size of mats and rulers? It's going to be an EPIC quilt!!
I have made blocks larger, but certainly never smaller! I like to finish a quilt (ha) and anything smaller takes math that I can't really handle anyway. Chrisknits said it just right: "It's going to be an EPIC quilt!!"
P.S. Thanks for visiting!
Procrastinating packing for quilting...sounds logical to me :) I would have done the same thing for those blocks. I just love this sampler. It reminds me...I still need to finish mine :P
Oh, love your design wall!! It looks amazing with all the blocks up there :) xx
Oh yes the lovely, but draining late night sewing hypnosis trace, I get that occasionally. Very productive on the sewing front, very annoying for family and the work place. Hope you were able to get moving and didn't forget anything critical for the wedding trip. Love the name of that quilt, too fun and the perfect name for a guy quilt. Your color palette is great, love the blues and greens with a few pops of warm colors here and there.
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