So THIS happened yesterday:
Last Look at Lars-of-Ours in His Dorm Room Before Driving Away |
As you can see, the Mission Impossible quilt I made for him fits his XL Twin dormitory bed perfectly. Doesn't he look LITTLE in there? I know; he's not little anymore. He's 18 years old and he's six feet tall and he's going to be just fine.
My Goodbye Hug: Mommy and Lars |
Sometimes I still think of him like this, though:
Mommy and Lars, Just a Few Years Ago |
And then of course I had to get this picture of the two brothers together:
College Freshman Lars & High School Junior Anders |
Which only reminds me of so many other great photos of these brothers together over the years:
Anders & Lars, Faces Decorated With Magic Marker Courtesy of Lars-of-Ours |
Anders & Lars |
Anders & Lars in Stripey Pajamas |
Lars & Anders, Driving to School |
Superman Lars & Batman Anders |
Lars & Anders |
Lars & Anders at One of Anders' Birthday Parties |
Lars and Anders With Their LEGO Creations |
Lars and Anders |
As much as they can get on each other's nerves, these boys are definitely going to miss each other this year.
Lars and Bernie at Entrance to Tunnel Between East and West Campuses |
I didn't get any really great shots of Lars with his dad. Here they are together at the entrance to the foot tunnel beneath a busy road that bisects East and West campuses. (The spray paint was done for or by some other Bernie, but it called for a photo opp!).
And here we have the two gentlemen who still primarily reside in my home, acting up on way back to the car after saying goodbye to Lars:
Goofball the Elder and Goofball In Training |
The mountain scenery is beautiful in Boone, by the way. It makes a person want to twirl around and start singing "the hills are alive with the sound of music..."
My Kid Lives Behind That Window Now |
Sometimes the kids are ready to leave for college before the MOMS are ready for them to leave for college, if you know what I mean. He will be fine. He will be GREAT! He will have so much fun. And we are driving right back to Boone to scoop him up again a week from now, to take him to his cousin's wedding in D.C., so I'll see him again before I hardly have time to start missing him, right?
Cutie-the-College Student, Ready to Take On the World! |
Whew!! Now that all of THAT has been taken care of, THIS momma is in need of some serious fabric therapy! I think I'll piece the second block for Anders' modified Moda Modern Building Blocks quilt today. He's only been waiting for that quilt for two and a half years now...
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone, and it you are blessed to have children or grandchildren in your life, hold them close for as long as you can!
I'm linking up today's post with:
the nest is starting to get empty - you will miss him but eventually it will be normal to see him every couple weeks or months instead of every day - thank heavens for texting huh. You can make it but it sure is ok to shed a tear or two along the way!!
The quilt looks wonderful on the bed by the way :)
What is great is after a month or two, they realize how great their home was and they're really glad to come home for breaks. Be prepared, they will eat you out of the house!
awe... our baby is growing up... don't worry he'll need you to still do laundry and pay car insurance... good looking family!
Oh, I remember those days! I only had one child, though, so the big drop off was pretty difficult to take! I was excited for her but inside I was screaming!
What great pictures. Hugs.
My son attended and graduated from App State and had a great experience. Hope the same for your son. My husband and I now live outside of Boone, and I often sing the same song. The mountains are calling and you will find many reasons to visit Lars. And maybe I will bump into you at one of the two Boone quilt shops!
That is a wonderful collage of Lars from a little guy to college. It is a bittersweet time. Memories abound and you realize how quickly they truly grow. You also are excited for them as they take the first baby steps into adulthood. It took a year for my DD to WANT to come home for the holidays and summer. She found how others celebrated wasn’t as familiar and comforting as she how she celebrated growing up. That’s when she pitched in with whole heart and soul to make memories together. She finally figured out times together were numbered.
Lars will see how others were raised and be curious about decisions others made. Ultimately he will chart his own course and become the man he is destined to be. You and Bernie were as one to create a loving home. Lars will be fine as he touches bases with the family and know he is loved and that will carry him through.
It’s a wonderful time in life.
Good luck to Lars in his new adventure! I enjoyed the photo journey. They grow up so fast....
His quilt looks terrific.
I am so happy and so touched by this candid journey into your heart. Almost wept at the sweet pictures - missing teeth, stripey pajamas and adorable smiles. Wishing "Lars of Ours" good luck in his new journey and lots of courage to you and Bernie as you let go.
P.S. Is it legal to have so much handsomeness in one family? Handsomeness Hoarders!!!
Oh great big hugs!! Even tho we know they will do awesome and they are ready.... moms take a bit longer right? his quilt looks great in his dorm!!
Hi Rebecca! Awww, {{{hugs}}} a bunch for you. Those photos you shared!! LOVE them. How cute is Batman and Robin?! He'll be fine . . . he will be great. His quilt looks wonderful on his bed. I hope he enjoys just everything about this new experience and has a wonderful roommate. ~smile~ Roseanne
Reading your post brought back all those feelings I had the day we left our oldest in his dorm, and the same but different feelings when we left our youngest. The pictures you shared of the two boys are great, looks like they had a lot of fun growing up together. Our boys were only 14 months apart, so they were very close. You've started a new chapter in your life - it just gets better and better!
Such a bittersweet moment, isn't it? He'll be fine, you'll be fine, but ut's so hard to leave them! Both my younger kids(!) are in university now, and having a ball! I can see them maturing in front of my eyes!My husband and I are enjoying the peaceful times together during term time, and then the great joy of the holidays when they're home!Thinking of you, Rebecca, lose yourself in your quilting! xxx
It seems just like yesterday that we moved our younger son into his dorm. I thought I would cry when I left but he looked so happy that I couldn't.
I made a quilt for a neighbour's son who should be starting at university now. He has had to defer a year for medical reasons which I didn't find out until I had finished his quilt. I gave it to him yesterday because he has to spend time in hospital and I thought it might be something he could wrap up in and realise that he has so much to look forward to.
I echo the start of a new chapter. Our sons are more like friends now. It is so good to see them taking the reins of their lives.
Wow! The quilt looks absolutely perfect in there!! I really loved seeing all the pictures of the brothers. They look like great kids. It must be so quiet around the house now with Anders flying solo at home.
It's what we work for, having them grow wings and fly. But it can be hard to let them go. The quilt looks great in his dorm. Enjoy making the next one.
The quilt looks AWESOME on his dorm bed!! Best of luck with this transition, Mom. You've got some great photos to fall back on!
Wow! Your quilt looks amazing on your son's dorm bed, I'm sure it will give him a quilty hug when he is missing home. I hope you were able to piece the 2nd block of a quilt still in progress. Know that you raised your son right, and he will do great things in college.
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